Awakening the Subconscious
In what ways is “Self” constructed by Surreality? What is the relationship between creativity and Surreality?
How does our subconscious interpret our reality in which the creative Process is realized?
Is there a common state of consciousness where creativity derives?
How can this individual state of consciousness be manipulated?
How can various states of mind influence subconscious awakening?
What type of art would establish Surreality as a movement?
To know our self includes how we obtain information, the learning process, our personality, behavior, emotion and how outside interferences can influence or manipulate them. All of these factors contribute to how you view your world or your absolute reality. Knowing your absolute reality is the first step to discovering your individual thinking, how you process information and express emotion (creativity). Exploring our awareness (consciousness) and states of realities we can help determine how our subconscious interprets our reality in which the creative process is realized contributing to individual ideas and concepts for producing art. Creating art from our individual state of consciousness or Surreality where creativity connects with your subconscious (awakening your subconscious) and then manipulating or deconstructing it to form a new way to produce art or art movement placed between Cubism, Surrealism and Abstraction. Five keywords: Creativity, Individuality, Subconscious, Reality, Surreality
Discovering links between the creative process and the subconscious - connecting mind (spirit), body (brain), and soul (emotion) to individual human reality or absolute reality (Surreality) and to communicate or express them visually (fine art), literary (reading and writing) and artistically (film and dance).
I plan to explore the creativity process of the subconscious mind – where awareness of your consciousness awakens your subconscious. Using the Gestalt Theory Structure as an example along with other theories including social, behavior, and belief systems to demonstrate the underlying realities of people, places, things and emotions that make up our personal existence based upon individual and personal subconscious thoughts (analytical) and individual representation or symbolism (synthetic) leading toward an absolute reality. Learning how to cultivate memory, feelings, emotion and experience from the past and present from the subconscious is the basis for this part of my research. Also to develop an invisible unforeseen set of patterns and sequences that are believed to happen or have not happened yet.
“UN” is based on a form of vestige. “UN” is a continual research into the psychological aspect of art where “not” and “under” become an intrinsic area where a preeminence of something before (past) and the prediction of something after (future) take place. For art practice - using psychologies of colour and emotion (Plutchik’s Flower) to create a visual response to Surreality...
The Artistic Subconscious
Through an artistic perspective, this practice-led research examines my awareness to art-making and creativity exploring a less scientific and more artistic viewpoint on how I subconsciously produce art by investigating: visual conversations with myself, manipulating and influencing of my subconscious, understanding creativity, qualia and my absolute reality.
There is little known information about the topic of the subconscious and creativity without going into a neuro-scientific explanation about how the brain functions. Most research is done from a scientific, psychology or philosophy perspective I plan to research from an artistic point of view.
Research questions
- How can I, through my personal work, visually explore my subconscious?
- How does visual creativity arise from my subconscious? How is my inner voice heard and processed?
- What are the links between visual creativity and my subconscious?
- How can I manipulate and influence my subconscious?
- How can I independently research, document or record my subconscious thoughts? How can I verify? How can viewer or reader believe it’s true?
- What research techniques or experiments can be used to do this?
…it appears a compelling visual expression of Freud’s theory that emotions buried in the subconscious rise to the surface in a disguised form. – Age of Insight, Eric R Kandel, 2012
Objective: To visually explore creativity through my subconscious; to expand existing knowledge on the subconscious and creativity from an artistic point of view based upon my documentation, experiments and exploration into my own work; to discover ways to create art on an advanced level of thinking.
- Subconscious
– Artistic point of view
- Awakening the subconscious
- Inner voices, conversations, conscious of my subconscious
- Multi-dimensional inner self – Voices? Acknowledgement
- Ways to document and or record conversation with self
- Visually connect to creativity – how?
- Creativity
– Brief intro (expand on current research and relate to me).
- The process – ideas - me
- stimulation, inspiration where does it come from?
- link to subconscious mind
- Ways to create
- Qualia
- Self – Absolute Reality
- Outside influence
- Environmental influence
- States of Reality – Absolute, Surreality
- Visual Conversation
- Dialogue
- Types of conversations
- Q & A
- Descriptive
- Communicative
- Information based
-True feelings emerge from dialogue
- Emotional
- Narrative – where the main character talks directly to the camera
- My practice
- Connecting art to my subconscious - Is this how art is produced?
Copy nature? Challenging the issue what is art? Political art?
- Creating a new way to produce art
- What is the difference between creating art from nature, creating art
from experience and feeling and creating art from subconscious
conversations with self
- Connecting art to creativity
- Influence / inspiration
- The written word
- Exhibitions resulting from research
- Manipulating, constructing / deconstructing thought
- Reflection
- What is it Analytical, Synthetic
- art movements?
- exhibitions
My Practice
I plan to divide my work (research) into two different categories. 1. Analytical – my “tree work” (pure thought and emotion) and Synthetic – my “figurative work” (having more structure)...