Shadows in the dark.
Monster, demons, devils at every turn.
Movement in the corner of my eye.
A growl.
Multiple footsteps.
Creeping up on me.
A knocking from nowhere.
From everywhere.
Pound, pound, pound
Turn to look…only shadows in the dark.
A light shines through in the distance. “Is that you?” I ask myself.
Chasing it.
I stop.
Footsteps heard behind me now ... closer.
Multiple footsteps.
Breathing felt on the back of my neck.
Heavy breathing.
Can’t move.
Feet caught .
Trapped in cement.
Wet cement.
A steam roller coming toward me, from behind.
Cant walk
Cant talk.
Wake me from this mad dream.
Pinch me.
A shock felt.
An electric shock.
Entering surreality again.
Open my eyes slowly, squinting – in the light now.
Pupils dilate.
There was so much I wanted to say.
So much I wanted to do.
Let me save you.
Dribble from my mouth.
A band aid on my soul.
Ears ringing.84
Stomach empty.
Hole in my chest.
Another shock.
Body shaking.
Washed up on another shore.
Woke up on a crowded beach.
Plugged in.
Headphones playing music.
[please enter song of your choice]
Re-arranged like a puzzle…missing pieces.
Missing thoughts, memories, mind dripping with sorrow.
Tapping now.
Tapping of buttons, of the keyboard
as I type.
Getting louder.
Becoming quicker.
A ring on the phone.
Panic strikes. “Hello?”
Breathing, heavy breathing.85
The clock tics. “Hello” again - I speak.
Eventually a voice whispers…
I’m sorry.
Unplugged from life.
Stomach empty.
Hole in my chest.
Fetus position.
Close my eyes.
The image of crooked smile bouncing off one wall then another.
Going crazy.
Open my eyes again.
This time my mind trapped inside another daydream.